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June 25, 2019

On Tuesday 25th June sixteen members were successfully promoted to their respective grades.

The examination consisted of Pattern, Sparring and Self-Defence as well as other fundamental concepts such as strikes, blocks, stances and kicks.


The assessment was carried out by Master Ernest Garcia (6th Dan) and Miss Dana Garcia (3rd Dan), who were very impressed by the overall performance of our students. Best Junior Grading went to both Ian Sodi and Gabriella Garcia, with Best Senior Grading being awarded to Yaiza Padron Sanchez. 


We would like to congratulate all our students for their efforts and dedication throughout.

The Gibraltar Taekwondo would like to take this opportunity to give a big thank you to all the instructors for their dedication and time spent preparing our members, especially Master Ernest and Miss Megan Ruiz (2nd Dan) for carrying out extra weekend sessions.

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